Growing Spices

Pink peppercorn
Spices close up
Pink peppercorns are dried fruits of the Peruvian peppertree (Shinus molle). It is also called false pepper or Californian pepper tree, and it's not related with the black pepper...

Saffron flowers
The surprising flowers
My saffron plants are blooming. Saffron dies during summer, but resprouts during autumn and blooms in November. You will need at least 25-30 flowers for a family...

Nigella seeds
Spices close up
Nigella seeds are also called black cumin or black onion. They are used in indian cuisine, and to decorate bread. They are dark grey, almost black, 2 mm long. In the...

Dill seeds
Spices close up
Dill seeds are used green or dried as a spice, they're pungent and similar to caraway seeds. They can be used in pickles, aromatic vinegar, fish and potatoes. Dill seeds...

Cumin seeds
Spices close up
Cumin is the second most popular spice in the world (after black pepper), is used in the Middle East on kebabs, in India as an ingredient of curry powder, with cheese in the...

Fenugreek seeds
Spices close up
Fenugreek seeds are a spice used in many indian and middle eastern recipes, and also in spices mixtures. Fenugreek seeds are harvested from the pods, once they turn to...

(Ita) La curcuma in cucina


Coriander seeds
Spices close up
It's time to harvest coriander seeds: they will be useful for the next year sowing, but they can also be used as a spice. Coriander seeds are light brown, with a spherical...

(Ita) Il papavero in cucina


(Ita) La senape in cucina


(Ita) Le spezie in cucina


(Ita) Il sesamo in cucina


(Ita) Coltivare la liquirizia


(Ita) Il cumino in cucina


(Ita) Varietà: Senape da seme e da foglie


(Ita) L'anice in cucina


(Ita) Il rabarbaro


(Ita) Lo zenzero in cucina


(Ita) La nigella (cumino nero) in cucina


Licorice flower
The surprising flowers
My plants have emerged from winter dormancy, and for the first time in four years, theyr are also blooming. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables...

(Ita) Coltivare l'anice


(Ita) Coltivare e raccogliere le spezie


Rhubarb, year two
Growing spices
The rhubarb from last year sowing finally emerged after winter dormancy, while I started thinking it was dead. Rhubarb should be harvested from third year, but I wanted to try...

(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le spezie, 2


(Ita) Coltivare il fieno greco


Saving nigella seeds
Saving seeds
Sometimes growing a plant is problematic and disappointing: seeds that doesn't sprout, plants that die young or don't bloom, pests, wind... None of this has happened with nigella...

Nigella flower
Growing spices
I'm growing nigella because I was curious about it. I knew that the nigella (or black onion, or black cumin) seeds are a spice, but I wanted to know how the plants looks. Now...

(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le spezie


Nigella and Rhubarb, two newborn plants
Growing spices
I have sowed many plants indoor, these are some of the plants that I'm nurturing this winter. Nigella (or black cumin) is used as a spice, its seeds have a light onion...

Waiting for licorice
Growing spices
Growing licorice is easy, but requires patience. The roots can't be harvested until the third year of growth... this means this autumn for my plants. Every winter licorice...

Sowing fenugreek
Growing spices
Testing if the spice seeds from your kitchen are vital, is a good way to save money and try new plants. They'll not germinate always, but it's worth trying. A quick way to...

Young plants: Carob tree
Growing spices
A newborn carob tree. Look also: Young plants: Mirtle Young plants: Licorice ...

(Ita) Coltivare il lino


(Ita) Coltivare il cumino


(Ita) Coltivare la senape


Spices and herbs seed harvest
Saving seeds
Many plants that bloomed in March have produced seeds. To harvest them it's a long work, but they will be next year plants. Horseradish seed pods. White mustard seed pods....

Spice seeds on the catwalk
My 200th post
I can't believe it, this it the 200th post! As I did for my 100th post, I'll let the pictures talk. This time on the catwalk we have spice seeds: sow them but also add them to...

Annatto, year two
Growing spices
Last autumn my annatto plants lost all their leaves. During winter the tiny naked stems looked really sad, but I keep watering them. Now, new leaves are growing! Annatto...

Young plants: Licorice
Growing spices
Young licorice plant, ready to be transplanted. Read also: Licorice, red mustard and other harvests Licorice flower ...

Horseradish flower
Growing spices
The root of the horseradish should be harvested after a few years. Meanwhile, the plants give me these wonderful and delicate flowers. Cultivar Diablo flowers: This...

Young plants: Safflower
Growing spices
Safflower plants from indoor sowing. Look also: Young plants: Mirtle Young plants: Licorice ...

White mustard, flax and other fairy tales
Growing spices
This White Mustard from winter sowing produced fresh bitter leaves, that I added to salads. Now the plants are bolting, and soon they'll start to bloom. This tiny plants are...

Licorice, year two
Growing spices
Last year I started to grow some licorice plants: tall stems full of rouded leaves. Licorice root should be harvested on the third year, so I let them be. When in autumn the...

Autumn sowing: fenugreek
Autumn Sowing
Last year I sowed some aromatic plants, and they surprised me: they resisted the winter, produced fresh leaves for months. In spring they've bloomed and I got seeds too. I...

Spice direct sowing
Spring Sowing
A walk in the garden, to water and check new plants. From my direct sowing of ten days ago are sprouted: calendula, dill, flax, leeks and some other plants. I'm growing two...

Young plants: Sesame
Enjoy growing
Newborn sesame plants. Look also: Young plants: Mirtle Young plants: Licorice...

Annatto spice
Winter sowing
Annatto (Bixa Orellana) or achiote in Spanish, it's a spice used in South American cooking, as an ingredient for the puerco pibil. The seeds are strange, resembling small...

(Ita) Cartamo, fieno greco e altre nuove nate


Spices and herbs: sprouting
Winter sowing
The seeds from indoor sowing are sprouting: I'll keep them indoor until march, when they will be transplanted. Fenugreek Fenugreek seeds are a spice used mainly in indian...

(Ita) Coltivare il carvi


(Ita) Coltivare il sesamo


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