Growing Aromatic Herbs

(Ita) Coltivare il crescione d'acqua


(Ita) Riconoscere erbe e spezie: le liliaceae


(Ita) Riconoscere erbe e spezie: le brassicaceae


(Ita) Riconoscere erbe e spezie: le ombrellifere


(Ita) Riconoscere erbe e spezie: le lamiaceae


(Ita) Il basilico liquirizia


Marigold petals
Spices close up
I harvested some marigold and dried the petals for my flowers tea. Marigold (or calendula) has big flowers, and can be also considered an ornamental plant. Leave some...

Late summer flowers
Growing aromatic herbs
It's raining and many aromatic plants are blooming. Hyssop has many purple flowers, that can be eaten raw or dried for herbal teas. Jasmine is full of is white flowers, with...

(Ita) Aromatiche e ornamentali: il gelsomino


(Ita) La verbena


Summer savory flowers
The surprising flowers
Summer savory is still blooming. Summer savory has smaller leaves and flowers than winter savory. Cooking with savory Savory recipes The surprising flowers: flowers...

(Ita) Coltivare erbe aromatiche e spezie


(Ita) Il crescione di terra


(Ita) Coltivare le erbe in autunno


(Ita) Le erbe e le spezie della cucina francese


(Ita) Coltivare l'aglio in balcone e terrazzo


(Ita) Ricette romantiche alle erbe aromatiche


(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per... le uova


(Ita) Il farinello amaranto


(Ita) Aromatiche e ornamentali: il timo serpillo


Alfalfa flowers
The surprising flowers
This year I'm growing alfalfa: I dried leaves and flowers for herbal teas. Flowers are purple and the plant continues to bloom throughout the summer. The surprising...

Chives flower
The surprising flowers
Chives flowers can be dried and added to herb mixtures. Read also: Cooking with chives. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and spontaneous...

Coriander flower
The surprising flowers
My coriander started to bolting and I took some pictures of its white flowers. A close-up: they look like tiny daisies. Read also: Cooking with coriander Fresh...

(Ita) Il prezzemolo da radice


Yellow sweet clover flower
The surprising flowers
Every year I grow yellow sweet clover plants to harvest and dry the flowers for my flowers tea, with other aromatic flowers like cinnamon basil, mint, orange flowers. The...

Herb harvests... appetizers
Growing aromatic herbs
Many perennial herbs are ready for the first harvests. I used lovage leaves and stems instead of dill for the recipe Dill and Onion Savory Muffins. My guests loved them, I...

(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per... le verdure primaverili


(Ita) I fiori delle erbe e delle spezie


(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per... ricette con il cioccolato


Orange thyme flowers
The surprising flowers
Orange thyme (Thymus Fragrantissimus) is blooming, and now it's full of tiny purple flowers. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and spontaneous...

(Ita) Ricetta: Crema di zucca al coriandolo


(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per...


(Ita) Semina a dimora di erbe aromatiche e spezie


(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per... i formaggi


(Ita) Ricetta: Pasta con crema di pollo alla santoreggia


(Ita) Varietà: Conoscere il timo


(Ita) Semina protetta di erbe aromatiche e spezie


(Ita) Coltivare la santoreggia


(Ita) Il prezzemolo in cucina


(Ita) Aromatiche e ornamentali: la lavanda


(Ita) La senape indiana


(Ita) Coltivare in terrazzo: cosa coltivare


Aromatic herbs and tomatoes harvests in 2013
Harvest and Store
Like every year, I created a collage picture of all 2013 herbs and vegetables harvests from my rooftop. Some pictures are missing, but however, the picture is representative of...

(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per... pesce e frutti di mare


(Ita) Erbe aromatiche per attrarre gli insetti impollinatori


(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per... verdure autunnali e invernali


(Ita) La mizuna (senape giapponese)


(Ita) La sanguisorba (salvastrella)


Licorice, red mustard and other harvests
Harvest and store
Growing licorice it's a matter of patience: for the first three years you just have to water and wait. From the third year, during autumn, you can harvest roots and stolons...

Calamint and balm in New York
Aromatic herbs around the world
High Line Park in New York is a beautiful park built on a section of the elevated former railroad. It's still being expanded, but absolutely worth visiting: the plants were...

(Ita) L'anice menta


(Ita) Coltivare la melissa


(Ita) Aromatiche e ornamentali: la salvia coccinea


(Ita) Aromatiche e ornamentali: la monarda citriodora


Lemon bergamot flower
The surprising flowers
Despite the small size of the leaves, the Lemon Bergamot flowers are huge and very fragrant: the aroma is reminiscent of lemon, but with a spicy component. I'm harvesting...

A myrtle tree
Aromatic herbs around the world
I found this incredible myrtle tree in the Jardim Botânico in Lisbon. For those who did not believe, a close-up of the nameplate. My myrtle plant is five years old and...

Sculpit flower
The surprising flowers
I harvested sculpit for a month, but now the plants are bolting. It has small clusters of white flowers that wither after a few days. Try sculpit leaves in the...

Recipe: Purslane salad with sesame seeds
Salads with aromatic herbs
Green purslane was born spontaneously in this empty container, and I harvested many broad and fleshy leaves. With some magenta spreen and toasted sesame seeds I prepared a...

Vervain flower
The surprising flowers
I always try new aromatic herbs, and this spring I planted vervain, an herbal tea. The plant is bloomed with tiny pink and fragrant flowers. I used vervain flowers and...

Calamint flower
The surprising flowers
After many years of absence, the calamint self seeded as a surprise in my balcony. I transplanted into a pot of his own, and I already harvested many leaves. Last week the...

(Ita) Varietà: Come il prezzemolo


(Ita) Quali erbe aromatiche per... carne e pollame


(Ita) Coltivare la maggiorana


(Ita) La portulaca invernale (lattuga dei minatori)


(Ita) Semine invernali: erbe aromatiche, pomodori e altro...


Mizuna flower
The surprising flowers
I let mizuna bloom to harvest the seeds for the next autumn sowing. Mizuna flowers and buds looks like mustard ones. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs,...

Aromatic herbs and chili harvests in 2012
Harvest and Store
I created a collage with all the photos taken at the various harvests of herbs, chilies and vegetables throughout the last year. Many harvests are not been photographed and so are...

(Ita) La borragine


(Ita) Il cerfoglio


Young plants: Alexanders
Growing aromatic herbs
I started to think that the alexanders seeds were not viable, when I finally saw several seedlings. Alexanders takes its name from Alexander the Great, and was once...

(Ita) L'erba stella (minutina)


(Ita) L'acetosa


(Ita) L'elicriso liquirizia


Autumn herbs
Growing aromatic herbs
Very satisfied by autumn crops in previous years, this fall I decided to grow many herbs and vegetables. The sowing of September and October was challenging, but a look at the...

Rooftop gardening
I'm growing again some chopsuey plants. They're growing slower than other oriental greens, but will produce soon crisp and slightly sour leaves, to be eaten raw or...

Herbs autumn harvest
Growing aromatic herbs
The weather remains quite hot and I'm still harvesting all varieties of basil, thyme, sage and white mint. Soon all the herbs planted in September will be ready for the first...

Young plants: Chervil
Growing aromatic herbs
I bought some chervil seeds, and I sowed them in a large container large enough. After 10 days from sowing all the seeds have sprouted. Chervil has a delicate flavor...

Lavender flowers in Dublin
Aromatic herbs around the world
I spent a few days in a surprisingly sunny Dublin, enjoying the food rich in flavor and the excellent beer, and walking around the streets. In the beautiful park of the Dublin...

Chives garlic flower
The surprising flowers
Chives garlic is a plant similar to chives, with more intense flavor and more resistant to unfavorable climates such as the summer heat and winter cold. When the summer ends,...

My summer harvest
Rooftop gardening
It was a busy summer, and I didn't publish almost anything about my harvest. I harvested aromatic herbs, renewing my stock of sage, mint, marjoram, thyme and other herbs. I...

Pennyroyal flowers
The surprising flowers
I sowed pennyroyal two years ago, and every summer since then it reborns in my pots on the balcony. I use it fresh in many dishes and dried for my mint tea. It has small...

(Ita) Varietà: I tanti volti della salvia


Scarlet sage flower
The surprising flowers
This spring I planted scarlet sage (or tropical sage) and it has grown very fast. It has a more delicate flavor than other varieties of sage, large leaves and beautiful red...

The harvest begins
Rooftop gardening
The temperature has risen a few degrees, and the harvests get more interesting. I checked the kitchen shelves to see what herbs are finished or need to be replaced. Sage,...

Wild garlic flower
The surprising flowers
A wild garlic plant infests my pots on the balcony, I tried many times but I can never get rid of it. I don't know which variety of garlic it is, but while the stem and...

(Ita) Il crescione in cucina


Spring harvests
Harvest and Store
The spring was early this year, and the plants are already well developed at the beginning of April. So I hade the the first spring harvests and last winter ones. I harvested...

Winter sowings
Rooftop gardening
I sowed chilies, tomatoes and aubergines a couple of weeks ago, and the tomatoes are always the first to sprout. This is the Mortgage Lifter tomato, called so because it helped...

(Ita) Coltivare in balcone e terrazzo


(Ita) Riprodurre la salvia


Cooking with oregano
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine, and is often associated with pizza. It has a warm, strong aroma, and it's used mainly as a dried herb. It's...

(Ita) Coltivare il crescione


(Ita) Erbe aromatiche e ortaggi: coltivare senza sprechi


Cooking with aromatic herbs
Cooking with aromatic herbs
I created this blog to share my experiences on aromatic herbs, how to grow and use them. A year ago I started a new serie of posts, describing briefly each aromatic herb and...

Aromatic and spontaneous herbs on Nebrodi Mountains
Aromatic herbs around the world
I spent a pleasant weekend in the Nebrodi mountains, relaxing and strolling in the countryside, especially in the Bosco di Malabotta Nature Reserve, located between Nebrodi and...

Aromatic herbs, chilies and tomatoes harvest
Harvest and Store
During summer I spend almost every weekend to harvest and store, and I must say that this year my organization is filling me with satisfaction. The herbs harvest continues,...

Aromatic herbs and vegetables from pot to plate
Rooftop gardening
Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are ripening in large quantities, aubergines are ready and aromatic herbs are on their top. I harvest them a couple of times a week to avoid...

The surprising flowers
Enjoy growing
Under the title The surprising flowers I have published a series of flowers of aromatic herbs or vegetables, flowers of spontaneous herbs and other flowers that you do not...

Cooking with basil
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) leaves has a warm and spiced flavour and are used fresh, mainly in Mediterranean cuisine. It's the main ingredient of the Italian Pesto Alla Genovese,...

Milk thistle flower
The surprising flowers
Knowing my curiosity in herbs, a friend gave me the some milk thistle seeds. Now the spiny buds are open, and reveal a small burst of violet petals, truly amazing. The...

The collector's garden
Enjoy growing
I must confess that I yield to the mania of collecting, in choosing the seeds to plant: varieties of mint, basil in different colors and wonderful aromas, vegetables of unusual...

Cooking with rosemary
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves can be used fresh or dried. The flowers are consumed fresh, mainly as a garnishment. It's very common in italian cuisine, and it's used...

Borage flowers
The surprising flowers
Borage grows as a weed in my pots, and during spring it blooms. The flowers are small and collect them from the slightly thorny branches can be annoying... ...but once...

(Ita) Varietà: Tutti i profumi del basilico


(Ita) Aromatiche e ortaggi in balcone e in terrazzo: cosa coltivare?


Cooking with lemon balm
Cooking with Aromatic Herbs
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaves have a delicate flavour, similar to lemon and mint. They are used for teas, ice-creams, jellys but also salads and soups, aromatic oils and...

(Ita) Coltivare l'origano


Cooking with chives
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) is an aromatic herb with an delicate onion aroma. It's used fresh in salads, pasta, omelettes, sauces, with fish and seafood. Chives is one of...

(Ita) Erba limone: cedrina, citronella, cedronella?


(Ita) Riprodurre la menta


(Ita) Pout-pourri con erbe aromatiche


Cooking with sage
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Sage (Salvia Officinalis) leaves are used fresh or dried with cheese, mushrooms, pork, teas, stuffing, soups. When dried, their aroma becomes stronger. Sage flowers are used...

Cooking with thyme
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is used fresh or dried in Mediterranean and Arab cuisine. Is often used with meats, fish, cheese, eggs and tomatoes, in stews and soups. It's also used in...

Cooking with savory
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Summer savory (Satureja hortensis) and Winter savory (Satureja montana) leaves can be used fresh or dried. Savory has a spiced aroma, and it's used on beans, sausages, stews,...

(Ita) Coltivare l'aglio cinese (Nira)


Cooking with dill
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Dill (Anethum graveolens) is used in many traditional dishes from North and Central Europe. Dill leaves are used raw in pickles, sauces and salads. They can be dried, but they...

Cooking with mint
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Mint (Mentha sp.) leaves are used fresh or dried in teas, cakes, jellys. Their fresh aroma is also perfect with lamb or soups, in sauces, aromatic vinegars, vegetables. White...

A walk between my aromatic herbs
Growing aromatic herbs
A glance at my October seedlings, they will become my autumn harvests soon. Buck's horn plantain can be added to salads and other dishes. Garden cress is rich in vitamine C...

White mint flower
The surprising flowers
I've grown white mint for many years, but it never bloomed before... what a surprise! The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and spontaneous...

Cooking with coriander
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Coriander or cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) leaves looks similar to parsley, but they have a completely different flavour: strong and lemon-like. Corianer leaves are used raw in...

Cooking with marjoram
Cooking with aromatic herbs
Marjoram leaves are similar to oregano, but with a sweeter, spiced aroma. Marjoram is perfect with cheese, walnuts and mushrooms. It can be used fresh or dried, in salads, meat...

Rosemary flowers
The surprising flowers
My rosemary plant is blooming, and has tiny pink flowers. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and spontaneous herbs. Two years...

Dandelion flower
The surprising flowers
The dandelion is all edible: roots, leaves, buds... and flowers, that can be added to salads for a brilliant splash of color. Looking at this picture, do you have any...

Hyssop flowers
The surprising flowers
I sowed the hyssop to harvest it, but I must admit that I chose to leave the flowers on the plant instead, because I like how they look. See you soon, have a great...

Dark Opal basil flowers
The surprising flowers
Since last summer the background of this blog are some cinnamon basil flowers: many basil cultivar have gorgeous purple and pink flowers. Dark Opal basil has amazing dark purple...

Wild thyme flowers
The surprising flowers
More surprising flower from aromatic herbs: this is a plant of wild thyme full of tiny purple flowers. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and...

Wild clover flower
The surprising flowers
Another surprising flower: a wild clover that every year selfseeds in my rooftop, with white flowers tinged with pink. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs,...

Rhubarb, tinda, papalo & quilquina
Growing aromatic herbs
Some details of the plants that I'm growing for the first time on my rooftop this year. This is the papalo (or Papaloquelite), a Mexican herb used in sauces and salads. The...

Sand storm on the rooftop
Rooftop gardening
The wind is bringing some sand from the Sahara to my rooftop, and it's damaging the plants. Look at the Cascabel chili: I had never seen anything like that! This is a Papalo...

(Ita) Coltivare l'issopo


A walk between my herb pots...
Growing aromatic herbs
Spring is finally here, and my herb pots are full of green sprouts. I sowed fenugreek in January and now it's blooming. I can't believe that arugula (rocket) in a pot will...

(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le varietà


Flowers on my stairs
Enjoy growing
Last spring I sowed some French marigold flowers in the chilies pots. The flowers were a coloured spot during summer and autumn. Seeds went everywhere... and yesterday I found a...

(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le esotiche


(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le ricercate


(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le delicate


(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le saporite


(Ita) Coltivare le proprie erbe aromatiche - Le classiche


(Ita) Coltivare la portulaca


Weed's crusade
Enjoy growing
I always tried to defend weeds, in a sort of weed's crusade, and this post is meant to be an index of all information about spontaneous herbs published on this blog. Weeding is...

Autumn coriander
Autumn sowing
Look at this picture... the brown stem is the last plant of cinnamon basil, almost died, and there are two young spontaneous plants. They seem familiar... and their aroma...

Autumn flowers: Chives garlic and wood sorrel
Growing aromatic herbs
Finally the chives garlic (or Nira) started to bloom. I hope that these gorgeus little flowers will become seeds, because I want more plants of this delicious aromatic herb. Nira...

(Ita) Riprodurre il rosmarino


(Ita) Divisione dei cespi di erba cipollina


Autumn sprouts on the catwalk
My 300th post
The 300th post is arrived. On the catwalk this time we have the autumn sprouts. The chervil is ready to be harvested. Chervil Recipes It will take longer for the turnip...

Don't smell the holy basil
Aromatic herbs around the world
Watching some pictures from a trip to India for the post Announcing It's a Vegan World - Indian I find a picture that I forgot to publish here. It's the holy basil from...

(Ita) Un prato di erba medica


A butterfly on Marigold
Growing aromatic herbs
I was taking pictures of my pots, when a butterfly stopped on my French marigold flowers. I had the camera in my hands so... look at the picture and the close-up. On the...

(Ita) Coltivare il tarassaco


Cinnamon basil flowers
Growing aromatic herbs
Cinnamon basil flowers are beautiful and their aroma is incredible... as you can see, I choose them as the new background of my blog. Read also The surprising flowers:...

(Ita) Coltivare il meliloto (trifoglio giallo)


Young plants: Oregano
Growing aromatic herbs
Oregano emerges from winter dormancy. Look also: Young plants: Mirtle Young plants: Licorice ...

Summer is almost there... a walk in the garden
Growing aromatic herbs
I have transplanted basil last week, and now it started to produce bigger leaves. I will harvest some of them soon. Last year I started from cutting this lavender plant. This...

Clover and other spontaneous flowers
Weed's crusade
I talk often of the so-called weeds, in my personal crusade in their defence. They grow spontaneous in my pots, let's see some of their flowers. This is the first year I...

(Ita) Coltivare il basilico Thai
Pasta with aromatic herbs

Blooming time: white mustard, coriander and chamomile
Growing aromatic herbs
Many plants and herbs started to bloom, so I decided to show them today because it's Earth Day... and because today my baby is four months old. I wish a beautiful and sunny day to...

Requiem for the bay tree
Growing aromatic herbs
The dead tree with brown leaves on the left was my bay tree. Maybe you can't see from the picture, but it was really gigantic. It died during winter, and now it will be...

Chamomile, first harvest
Harvest and Store
The chamomile is selfseeding, and every years it grows spontaneus in my pots. Today I harvested the first flowers. The harvest will continue for a couple of months, and...

It's raining on mint
Growing aromatic herbs
It's raining, and some plants are not doing well. Instead, all mint plants are recovering from summer heat, and start to produce new, tender leaves. Look at this generous White...

(Ita) Nepetella e nepeta cataria


(Ita) Coltivare il basilico cannella


Surprise balm from last year sowing
Growing aromatic herbs
Last year I seeded an entire garden bed with balm, but it never sprouted. So I bought the plant that you can see in my gallery, and I enjoyed it. This summer I was weeding the...

(Ita) Prezzemolo in fiore


Harvesting autumn dill
Saving seeds
Last september I sowed dill and coriander, I've got fresh leaves all winter, and in spring they're bloomed. Now -late spring- dill seeds are ready to be harvested, and soon...

Cooking with nettles
Weed's crusade
Nettles are among my favourite herbs. They have a wonderful taste, wild and delicate. Always use gauntlets when handling the nettles, cook only tender leaves and do not use...

(Ita) Coltivare il basilico


Growing aromatic herbs
Two weeks ago I transplanted many indoor plants in the garden. They had some problems with hungry turtles and pouring rain, and look very depressed. Now they look better, like...

Catnip is born
Growing aromatic herbs
All plants from January indoor sowing have been transplanted in the garden. I sow them on January, 15 and I was thinking that was late for other sproutings. However, these...

Spring buds
Growing aromatic herbs
My chamomile plants started to grow high, and the first flower buds appeared. The coriander sprouted in September has grown, and now it is starting to bloom. Autumn sowing was...

Spontaneous chamomille
Growing aromatic herbs
Yesterday I was harvesting the chives and I find out this: It looks like the chamomile I planted last year. I don't know how the wind could bring some seeds up there. It...

Winter sowing dates
Winter sowing
I think I'm done with the indoor seeding, next time will be my first outdoor sowing. Planting dates for this winter adventure: Jan 15: garlic sprouted Jan 22 dill sprouted...

Young plants: Mirtle
Growing aromatic herbs
Young and tiny mirtle plant. Look also: Young plants: Chervil Young plants: Licorice...

(Ita) Il risveglio del trifoglio


(Ita) Coltivare l'erba cipollina


(Ita) Coltivare l'aneto


(Ita) La camomilla dell'anno prima


(Ita) Santoreggia viola?


Aromatic herbs, first true leaves
Winter sowing
Aromatic herbs sowed in January show their first true leaves. Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Dill (Anethum graveolens) Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Flax (Linum...

(Ita) Dalle semine autunnali... raccolti d'inverno


(Ita) Semina autunnale: senape, aneto, coriandolo...


(Ita) Coltivare la camomilla


(Ita) Coltivare il coriandolo


Site Archive

Focus on

La melissa