Chili peppers group photo

Growing chili peppers
February 19, 2008

All my (almost 150) pepper plants are indoor, waiting for the spring.

Group PhotoA group photo of the autumn plants. They look like a small forest now.

Hungarian Yellow WaxThe Hungarian Yellow Wax, a Capsicum Annuum sprouted in October, with its first flower.

Hungarian Yellow Wax File and recipe: White Gaspacho

RocotoA newborn plant of Rocoto: look at the hairy stem.

Pasilla BajioPasilla Bajio, another plant sprouted in October. Pasilla peppers are commonly used in Tex-Mex and Southwestern cooking, and I hope to harvest a lot of them.

Pasilla Bajio File and recipe:Tortilla Pie with Pasilla Bajio

Habanero Red SavinaHabanero Red Savina, a Capsicum Chinense as you can see from the larger leaves. It should be my hottest chili plant.

Habanero Long ChocolateAnother Chinense, Habanero Long Chocolate, similar to Chocolate, but with longer pods.

Carmine PepperThis is a Carmine Pepper, another Chinense that will produce hot orange pods.

Aji Blanco CristalThis is an Aji Blanco Cristal, a Capsicum Baccatum sprouted one month ago.

Aji Blanco Cristal File and recipe: Hot Chili Jam

Black PrinceThis Black Prince with its dark leaves is my favourite one. I'm waiting for its peculuiar pods that mature from black to red.

Black Prince File

ChiliesRead also:

Storing chili peppers

Fiery recipes


Author: pippapepper

non posso che fare i miei complimenti. purtroppo io sono ancora agli inizi, anzi nella placenta.....

Author: Graziana

Anche io nel 2008 ero al primo anno di coltivazione, ho fatto errori e ho imparato... ma i peperoncini sono veramente facili e soddisfacenti da coltivare, continua così!

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