Green Zebra Stripe tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Green Zebra Stripe tomato Useful information: Green Zebra Stripe Tomatoes

Erbe in Cucina suggests Recipe: Fried white eggplants and tomatoes with pesto

Tomato: all recipes

Photo Gallery

Ripe Green Zebra Stripe Tomato - July 11, 2009
Pomodoro Green Zebra maturo / Ripe Green Zebra Stripe Tomato

Unripe Green Zebra Stripe Tomato - June 07, 2009
Pomodoro Green Zebra non ancora maturo / Unripe Green Zebra Stripe Tomato

First flowers - July 24, 2008
Primi fiori / First flowers

Green Zebra Stripe tomato, first true leaves - April 03, 2008
Pomodoro Green Zebra, prime foglie vere / Green Zebra Stripe tomato, first true leaves

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