Grow Your Own #30 Round-up

01 luglio 2009

Are you ready for the incredible entries of this edition of Grow Your Own?

Stuffed mushroom gravy bakeDido Divya of Dido lives cooks from Germany, harvested some sage from her garden and create a sage sauce for Stuffed mushroom gravy bake. I love stuffed mushrooms, and these looks delicious.

Tatsoi with Garam MasalaThe foundress of GYO, Andrea of Andrea's Recipes from Virginia, United States, harvested her last tatsoi, and cooked Tatsoi with Garam Masala. She also provides some useful information about this plant, and many cultivation tips.

Collards in Tomato Sauce with PenneClaudia of Standing Straight from Hawaii, has a productive collard plant, which she's cooking in many creative ways, like this Collards in Tomato Sauce with Penne.

Spicy Chinese Cucumber SaladKim of Live Love Laugh Eat! from Portsmouth, VA, has a lot of big cucumbers from her garden, and she prepared an oriental Spicy Chinese Cucumber Salad.

Fried SageThis is my contribution, Fried Sage, a crunchy snack of sage leaves in batter that will surprise you.
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Ricetta: Salvia fritta

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Autore: Andrea (URL)

Thanks for hosting this round and sharing your fried sage with us!

Autore: Gudrun (URL)

fried sage, that is something I have never tried. I am guessing you need to use culinary sage, right? I have lots of sage plants in my yard, but I think they are decorative rather than edible....

Autore: Graziana

I used ordinary sage as well as golden sage, and both were delicious!

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