Recipe: Raw artichoke salad with parsley and chives

Salads with aromatic herbs
April 17, 2008

ChivesParsley and chives make this spring salad very tasty.

Raw artichoke salad with parsley and chives

Raw artichoke salad with parsley and chives

Serves two:
6 artichokes
3 oranges (red or yellow)
2 sprig of parsley
5 chives leaves
1 lemon, juiced
olive oil, vinegar

Discard the tough, dark-green outer leaves of each artichoke. Cut off the top to remove the thorny part of the leaves.
Cut each artichoke in quarters. Put them in a bowl with water and lemon juice to prevent them from browning.
Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and cut them into pieces.
Slice the artichokes and put them in a bowl with the oranges. Season with minced parsley and chives, salt, vinegar and olive oil.

Artichoke salad with sageAnother artichoke salad recipe:

Artichoke salad with sage
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Author: Elisa

Che bello questo blog!
Ho solo un paio di balconi, ma ogni anno aggiungo qualche aromatica e qualche piantina da orto...che soddisfazione quando funzionano anche in vaso!
Questa insalata mi ispira un sacco, sul balcone ho giusto giusto pronti prezzemoli ed erba cipollina!

Author: Graziana

Grazie Elisa, ricordati di usare il limone così non si scuriranno i carciofi... nè le mani!

Author: Elisa

Sabato a pranzo ho fatto l insalata...fantastica!
Ancora grazie!

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